Your path to
become a pilot

The adventure of a lifetime!

Here you will find an overview of all levels of training at our flight school. Starting with the basic course through to the cross-country license.

Come and fly with us

From the first wind-up attempt to the professional pilot!

In the first week of the basic and high altitude course you will learn the basic technique of paragliding. During performance training, you will expand your knowledge, perfect your take-off technique, practice new maneuvers and refine your landing techniques. The paragliding course teaches you everything you need to know about paragliding. With your paragliding license in your pocket, you can then fly independently in Austria, Germany and Switzerland! To fly from mountain to mountain en route, you need a cross-country license. In the cross-country course you will learn about route planning, meteorology and air law for a successful cross-country flight.

Level 1
Basic course

The first level includes 4 days on the practice slope and 2 days of theory. You will be carefully introduced to the first steps of paragliding. On the practice slope, you will slowly increase your altitude and learn the correct take-off and landing technique. In the theory lessons, you will learn everything you need for your first flights.

High-flying course

The high-altitude flying course takes place in our high-altitude flying areas. With at least 5 flights you will take your first steps in alpine flying. Our flying sites have an altitude difference between 300m and 1200m and therefore offer ideal conditions to make your way to the pilot as easy as possible. The aim of this course is to obtain the training certificate required in Austria (basic paragliding license).

Performance Training

Now it’s time to get some practice. During the performance flights you will refine your take-off and landing technique, gain your first thermal and soaring experience and practice new maneuvers in the air. We take a close look at you from take-off to landing and pave the way for you to become a safe paraglider pilot.

Paragliding license

A paragliding license is required to take off from any mountain – even abroad. During the paragliding course, the theoretical training is intensified even further. The course concludes with a theoretical and practical examination and entitles you to fly freely.

Cross-country flight authorization

In order to be allowed to fly from mountain to mountain and to make real distance, the cross-country authorization is required. In the cross-country authorization course you learn the necessary theory and in the practical test this is immediately put into practice.

Level 1 - Basic course

Your entry

The first level includes 4 days on the practice slope and 2 days of theory. You will be carefully instructed in the first steps of paragliding. On the practice slope, the flight altitude is slowly increased and the correct take-off and landing technique is learned.

In theory, you will learn all the relevant things with meteorology, material science, flying practice, aerodynamics and aviation law. Level 1 concludes with the high-altitude flight qualification, which is a prerequisite for Level 2.

Theoretical and practical content

  • 3-4 days on the practice slope with completion of high-altitude flight maturity.
  • 2 days theory + own theory documents.

We don’t make it easy for you on the practice slope – but neither do we! Numerous launches in different conditions prepare you perfectly for your first high-altitude flights. Because it is undisputed: solid basic training on the practice slope lays the foundation for a safe and successful flying career!


  • Course duration: 5-6 days
  • Prerequisites: min. 14 years, declaration of consent from parents or legal guardians for under 18s, minimum weight of 45 kg and some fitness for the practice slope
  • What to bring: Sturdy shoes, thin gloves (if available), ski helmet (if available)
  • Equipment: All flying equipment is provided.


  • Safe learning of basic flying techniques
  • Getting to know the equipment
  • Running exercises
  • Starting exercises
  • Checking the glider during the start process
  • Start
  • Flying
  • Flights up to an altitude difference of 100m
  • Landing
  • Packing
  • Theory lessons

Dates 2024

  • Compact course Dec/Jan: – December 30, 2023 and January 2 – 6, 2024
  • Compact course February: February 10 – 17
  • Compact course March: March 23 – 30
  • Compact course April: April 20 – 27
  • Compact course May: May 18 – 25
  • Compact course June: June 8 – 15
  • Compact course July: July 6 – 13
  • Compact course August: August 10 – 17
  • Compact course September: September 7 – 14
  • Compact course October in Saalfelden: September 28 – October 5
  • Compact course November: October 26 – November 2
  • Compact course Dec/Jan: – December 30 and January 2 – 6, 2025


Course fee: € 495,-

The costs of a taster course will be credited by us if the course takes place within 6 months.

Level 2 - High altitude course

Your first flights from the “mountain”

The high-altitude flying course takes place in our high-altitude flying areas. With at least 5 flights you will take your first steps in alpine flying. Our flying sites have an altitude difference between 300m and 1200m and therefore offer ideal conditions to make your way to the pilot as easy as possible. The aim of this course is to obtain the training certificate required in Austria (basic paragliding license).

Theoretical and practical content

  • Perfecting flying skills at the basic training ground
  • Medium flights
  • High altitude flights between 300 m and 1,200 m altitude difference
  • Mastering the landing layout
  • Approaching rapid descent methods
  • Safety briefings
  • Alpine briefing
  • Theory lessons
  • Final theoretical and practical examination

Exclusive take-off and landing sites make it particularly easy for you to enjoy your first high-altitude flights. We start stress-free with flights of 300 m altitude difference and then increase with flights of up to 1200 m altitude difference and 15-20 minutes flight time.


  • Prerequisite: Level 1 completed.
  • Course duration: 5 high-altitude flights with more
    than 300 m difference in altitude.
  • Practical test: high-altitude flight with independent landing.
  • Theoretical exam: multiple-choice test with 50 questions.
  • Completion: Training confirmation.
  • Equipment: All flying equipment is provided.

Course location

  • The high-altitude flights with an altitude difference of between 300 m and 1,200 m are usually held in our high-altitude flying areas. Our take-off and landing sites are exclusively for our student pilots. This guarantees stress-free flights during training!
    Depending on the weather, we also use other flying areas in the Salzburg region or switch to the Southern Alps in bad weather.

Dates 2024

  • 5. – January 6
  • 16. – February 17
  • 29. – March 30
  • 26. – April 27
  • 24. – May 25
  • 14. – June 15
  • 12. – July 13
  • 16. – August 17
  • 13. – September 14
  • 4. – October 5
  • 1. – November 2


Course fee:

€ 265,- + € 25,- examination fee

Level 3 - Performance Training

This is where you gain practice!

Now it’s time to get some practice. During the performance flights you will refine your take-off and landing technique, gain your first thermal and soaring experience and practice new maneuvers in the air. We take a close look at you from take-off to landing and pave the way for you to become a complete paraglider pilot.

The performance flights should be completed directly after the altitude flights in order to gain flying experience, refine the technique and learn new exercises and maneuvers. With a total of 40 flights, at least 25 of which are under supervision, sufficient practice is gained to be able to fly independently on the mountain. And you’ll make new friends too!

Prerequisite is the training confirmation

We try to train complete paraglider pilots. By varying the flying sites, you will get to know a wide variety of take-off and landing sites and will be well prepared for a safe flying career.

During the performance flights, we try to learn something new with every flight. Our instructors give feedback on every take-off & landing, and in the air training maneuvers are flown on every flight to improve glider handling and increase confidence in the equipment.

Training content

Course location

During the performance flights we use different flying sites with an altitude difference of 300 – 1200m.

Our main flying sites are:

  • Fulseck in Dorfgastein
  • Zwölferhorn in St. Gilgen
  • Loser in Altaussee
  • Biberg in Saalfelden
  • Ettenberg in Marktschellenberg
  • In the fall/winter or in bad weather, we also like to move to the south side of the Alps to collect flights.

Dates 2024

  • January: January 6, 7 and 20,
    PFC Stubai: January 26 – 28
  • February: 2, 3, 17, 20, 27. and February 28,
    PFC Meduno: February 22 – 25
  • March: March 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 23 and 27
  • April: April 1, 5, 6, 20 and 27
  • May: May 1, 9, 25, 28 and 30
  • June: June 4, 8, 15, 18, 22 and 25,
    PFC Stubai 2: June 20 – 23
  • July: July 2, 4, 6, 13, 18, 20 and 27,
    PFC Andelsbuch: July 25 – 28
  • August: August 3, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29 and 31,
    PFC Stubai 3: August 22 – 25
  • September: September 5, 14, 17 and 26
  • October: October 5, 12, 19 and 25,
    PFC Feltre: October 10 – 13
  • November: November 9 and 23,
    PFC Revine 2: Oct. 31 – Nov. 3
  • December: December 14,
    PFC Meduno 2: December 5 – 8


  • Per flight: € 25,- (excl. ascent)
  • Block of 10: € 220,-
  • 4-day Performance Camp Italy: € 415 (incl. ascent)

Please note that the dates are only provisional and that new dates may be added or canceled depending on the weather. You will be contacted by email about every performance training session via our performance mailing list. Would you like to be on the performance mailing list? Just send an e-mail to Daniela and you’re in!

Level 4 - Paragliding license

You will become a paraglider pilot!

The INTERNATIONAL GLIDER’S LICENSE corresponds to the German A-license!

A paragliding license is required to take off from any mountain – even abroad. The paragliding license course teaches you everything you need to know in theory. This allows you to fly freely in Austria, Germany and Switzerland in compliance with air traffic regulations. Your paragliding license, in conjunction with the FAI IPPI card, allows you to paraglide and hang glide in most countries around the world.

Prerequisite is the training confirmation

In the theoretical training for your paragliding license, you will learn everything you need for practical flying and for the theoretical exam. Our flight instructors are experts and can answer your questions clearly.

In addition, you will receive the book Gleitschirmfliegen für Meister by Toni Schlager and the online learning account of the ÖAeC/DHV to learn the exam questions.

We offer you the examination course for the flight license recognized in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In other countries, the respective national guidelines must be observed.

Our flight instructors are true experts in their field. This enables them to convey even difficult learning content simply and answer complex questions in an understandable way!

Course location

Our paragliding license theory courses take place in our seminar room or in a seminar hotel in our area. The theory rooms are equipped with seats with writing facilities, projector with screen, flipchart and paraglider harness simulator.


Theoretical examination:

  • Multiple-choice test with 100 questions

Practical examination:

  • Flight planning
  • Pre-flight check
  • Start
  • Guiding principles
  • Earmolding
  • Lateral folding
  • Landing classification
  • Landing

Dates 2024

PG1: February 29 – March 3
PG2: June 27 – 30
PG3: September 26 – 29

We start the course on Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday we have theory lessons all day and on Sunday we have the theory test and practical test (weather permitting).


Course fee: € 495,-

+ € 25,- examination fee theory
+ € 25,- examination fee practice

The learning materials DHV/ÖAeC (book + account learning program) are included in the course fee!

Level 5 - Cross-country flight authorization

Level 5 - Cross-country flight

Become an independent pilot and fly from mountain to mountain!

The aim of the cross-country course is to learn how to leave the flight hill and the familiar landing site – in other words, to learn cross-country flying. By entering the cross-country rating in your paragliding license, you are allowed to fly cross-country in compliance with air traffic regulations. This cross-country rating corresponds to the German “unrestricted pilot’s licence – B-Schein” and is also recognized as such.


After obtaining the Austrian paragliding license, the following confirmed flights are required:

  • 10 alpine flights with an altitude difference of over 500 m
  • 10 flights with at least 30 min duration

The test flight is flown together in a group with a flight instructor. The weather is analyzed in detail in advance, the route is discussed and flown together as a group. This also makes the test flight easy!


Our paragliding license theory courses take place in our seminar room or in a seminar hotel in our area. The theory rooms are equipped with seats with writing facilities, projector with screen, flipchart and paraglider harness simulator.


There is a joint test flight:

  • Meteobriefing
  • Route planning
  • Terrain briefing
  • a documented cross-country flight in accordance with FAI regulations over at least 10 km on a predetermined route.

Dates 2024

STF1: May 24 – 26
STF2: August 2 – 4

The theoretical training takes place in the seminar room of the Salzburg flying school and the practical training (joint examination flight) takes place at the high-altitude or cross-country flying site.


Course fee: € 295,-

+ € 25,- examination fee theory
+ € 25,- examination fee practice

The DHV/ÖAeC learning materials (account learning program) are included in the course fee!