FlyMai Testival on the Gaisberg

Come on dear May, let’s go flying again! Experience the Salzburg May Flying with Testival and Bordairrace start on Saturday, May 4th on the magical Gaisberg!

Date: Saturday, May 4, starting at 10 a.m. Alternative date: Sunday, May 5.
Location: Gaisberg landing site in Guggenthal. Address: Am Professorfeld 4, 5023 Guggenthal.

Flight material:

  • Advance with the new Theta ULS, Epsilon 10 DLS, Iota 3 DLS, Pi3 and much more!
  • Skywalk with the new Arak 2, Tequila 6, Masala 4 and much more!
  • Niviuk with the new Ikuma 3P, Hook 6P, Kimber 3P, Kode P and much more!
  • Nova with the new Ion 7 light, Codex, Mentor 7 light, Bantam 2 and much more!
  • Ozone with the new Ultralite 5, Geo 7, Swift SIX, Photon, Zeolite2 GT and much more!
  • AirDesign with the new Rise 5, Volt 5, Hero 2 and much more!

We will be at the landing site in Guggenthal on Saturday, May 4, from 10:00 am, ready for you with the test material for great flights.

Flying on the Gaisberg with a day ticket (EUR 6) for guest pilots as a maintenance contribution for the flying area or free participation for club members!

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